
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 posts

Relocation and Child Custody in New York

Child custody arrangements after a divorce can be strained or disrupted if a custodial parent relocates with the child over a long distance or out of state. In New York, Read More

Crafting a Parenting Plan That Best Serves Your Family

Parents going through a divorce in New York are required to agree to a court-approved plan that controls their basic child custody and visitation arrangement. Either the parents must devise Read More

What Evidence Is Needed for a Child Custody Modification Request?

Child custody is ordered by a family court based on the circumstances existing at the time of the divorce. In New York, a court may consider modifying a child custody Read More

Sharing Child Custody With a Narcissistic Parent

Living with a narcissist can be a major strain in a marriage and it can be even harder on the children. Kids are always striving to please their parents, but Read More

Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 posts

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